The Alcohol & Addiction Podcast Appearance: Ted Izydor on Being Authentic And Real

Ted Izydor on The Alcohol and Addiction Podcast

In September, I had the opportunity to be on Lee Davy’s show The Alcohol & Addiction Podcast. Listen below, or check out the podcast on Stitcher or iTunes.

Ep 58: Ted Izydor on Being Authentic And Real

Ted holds both a Master of Counseling Psychology and Master of Business Administration, in addition to numerous counselling certifications. With a distinguished 20-year clinical therapy background as a mental health and addiction counselor, Ted offers techniques, strategies and approaches that produce changes. As the founder of Full Potential Coaching and Consulting of Wisconsin, he devotes himself to sharing this knowledge and insight to people seeking more fulfilling, happier and healthier lives. In this podcast we talk about the masks we all wear and the importance of authenticity; the stages of denial, relapse, pornography addiction and much more.

Podcast courtesy Needy Helper.

About Ted Izydor - LPC, CSAC, ICS, MINT 62 Articles
Ted Izydor holds both a Master of Counseling Psychology and Master of Business Administration. With a distinguished 20-year clinical therapy background as a mental health and addiction counselor, Ted offers techniques, strategies and approaches that produce changes. As the founder of Full Potential Coaching and Consulting of Wisconsin, he devotes himself to sharing this knowledge and insight to people seeking more fulfilling, happier and healthier lives.

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